
 “In a school that practices learning-literacy, teachers model learning, students learn to teach themselves, and schools educate the community” – David Warlick

In the article “Schools that Practice Learning Literacy” educational blogger David Warlick shares his opinions on the impact and significance of schools and educators being submersed in an evolving, technologically advancing educational system.

Warlick addresses the drastic differences in our culture today in the learning environment and way in which children today are able to go beyond simply learning new information by the practice of simply retaining and remembering. How our parents were taught was drastically different from how we were taught and how our children are being taught are entirely different. Warlick makes many valid points in his blog about how before, the questioning of the information one encountered when learning was not encouraged or necessary, today the questioning of the content in which one is provided in required. Many times with the constant new advances in technology it can become overwhelming to take all new information in but it is also because information is so abundant now that educators should promote research and embrace all new progressions. It is necessary and an avid part of the learning literacy process to be able to ask questions about the information, seek to find further supporting evidence and be able to question an ideas validity. In order to do this, teachers and students along with its communal environment need to become comfortable with using technologies in the classrooms, introducing them to students and learning together becomes a learning process as a whole. It is not only teaching but also demonstrating exemplary learning.

I found Warlick’s blog on learning literacy to be very eye opening and I agree with the fact that the ability to model learning, promotes to students the importance of being able to adapt and embrace to any changes (technological or systematic) in life, as life is constantly evolving.
